Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#451 closed defect (fixed)
ST_Area(geography,false) returns wrong result for objects crossing dateline
Reported by: | pramsey | Owned by: | pramsey |
Priority: | high | Milestone: | PostGIS 1.5.1 |
Component: | postgis | Version: | 1.5.X |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
The st_area(geography, false) variant runs the area calculation on the sphere rather than the spheroid. It returns a wrong answer when crossing the dateline.
Here is the right answer, away from the dateline.
postgis20=# select st_area(g::geography,false)/1000000, st_area(transform(geometry(g), 4326)), astext(geometry(g)) from (select 'POLYGON((9.5 2, 9.5 1, 8.5 1, 8.5 2, 9.5 2))'::geography) as foo(g); ?column? | st_area | astext -----------------+---------+------------------------------------------ 12360.265021368 | 1 | POLYGON((9.5 2,9.5 1,8.5 1,8.5 2,9.5 2)) (1 row)
Here is the answer we get
postgis20=# select st_area(g::geography,false)/1000000, st_area(transform(geometry(g), 4326)), astext(geometry(g)) from (select 'POLYGON((179.5 2, 179.5 1, -179.5 1, -179.5 2, 179.5 2))'::geography) as foo(g); ?column? | st_area | astext ------------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------ 21896.2627343197 | 359 | POLYGON((179.5 2,179.5 1,-179.5 1,-179.5 2,179.5 2)) (1 row)
Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 15 years ago
comment:2 by , 15 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
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This problem was originally noted in spheroid area (#450) and was fixed. The sphere problem remains.